In the wake of the DC “All In” movement, an intergalactic force is back! John Stewart. Kyle Rayner. Guy Gardner. Jessica Cruz. The GREEN LANTERN CORPS has returned. Standing in their direct way is The Sorrow. With time slipping out of their hands, the Lanterns have much on their plates. How do they fare in their latest incarnation?

GREEN LANTERN CORPS #1 by Jeremy Adams, Morgan Hampton, Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert, Arif Prianto, and Dave Sharpe ushers in a new era in the Emerald Police of the Universe.

Let’s take a closer look at how events play out here.


Adams and Hampton welcome readers into this new phase with a very solid debut. The initial pages show John Stewart and company in action. Readers watch as they handle Kanjar Ro’s trafficking ring. It also highlights moments with Stewart and Sojourner Mullein. Their banter unlocks a concern for Stewart readers will want to watch. The writing also gives Cruz and Simon Bas a segment to settle into Corps business. With an ensemble cast, spotlight pages are tough but manageable. This becomes even more challenging with the latest addition to the Corps.

It is a very familiar face that commands time in the story. Readers watch as they make an immediate impact. This carries into their first mission. A rampaging creature draws the Corps into their path. What follows lends itself to how this wildcard affect the mission. The end result proves to throw another shock into the mix. With the amount of personalities in play, the writing hits their key points. Just as events seem to settle, the writing team throws another surprise into the equation. It is one that is sure to have fans talking (along with the issue) on New Comic Book Day.

Pasarin and the art team capture the electrifying atmosphere of the GLC new era. The encounter of Ro is displayed with many heroic tones. It is capped off with a great action image. The full page splash announces to all that the GLC are back! Once events swing back to Oa, the focus turns to reactions. The art displays the various talks before shocking everyone of who’s new.

A full page splash throws everything in flux. The art team locks in the uncertainty of this character. Readers can’t help but watch as this character impacts stopping a monster. Pasarin’s art is very detailed how each character reacts to the new dynamic. The result is one fans will enjoy. Each panel brings out the best of the conflicting personalities. The art also grants a very strong final image. The full page image brings back another familiar face. There is much to enjoy with the art flooding the pages here.


The next phase in DC’s space task force pulls off a major addition into their ranks. Adams and Hampton weave multiple returns in with the writing. Pasarin and the art team delve into the action as the Corps searches for its’ new strength. Judging by who crashes the party, readers should brace for what’s on the horizon!

Hit me up on ODPhpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Green Lantern Corps #1. Thanks for reading!