Green Lantern


In the wake of the DC “All In” movement, an intergalactic force is back! John Stewart. Kyle Rayner. Guy Gardner. Jessica Cruz. The GREEN LANTERN CORPS has returned. Standing in their direct way is The Sorrow. With time slipping out of their hands, the Lanterns have much on their plates. How do they fare in their latest incarnation?

GREEN LANTERN CORPS #1 by Jeremy Adams, Morgan Hampton, Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert, Arif Prianto, and Dave Sharpe ushers in a new era in the Emerald Police of the Universe.

Let’s take a closer look at how events play out here.


Adams and Hampton welcome readers into this new phase with a very solid debut. The initial pages show John Stewart and company in action. Readers watch as they handle Kanjar Ro’s trafficking ring. It also highlights moments with Stewart and Sojourner Mullein. Their banter unlocks a concern for Stewart readers will want to watch. The writing also gives Cruz and Simon Bas a segment to settle into Corps business. With an ensemble cast, spotlight pages are tough but manageable. This becomes even more challenging with the latest addition to the Corps.

It is a very familiar face that commands time in the story. Readers watch as they make an immediate impact. This carries into their first mission. A rampaging creature draws the Corps into their path. What follows lends itself to how this wildcard affect the mission. The end result proves to throw another shock into the mix. With the amount of personalities in play, the writing hits their key points. Just as events seem to settle, the writing team throws another surprise into the equation. It is one that is sure to have fans talking (along with the issue) on New Comic Book Day.

Pasarin and the art team capture the electrifying atmosphere of the GLC new era. The encounter of Ro is displayed with many heroic tones. It is capped off with a great action image. The full page splash announces to all that the GLC are back! Once events swing back to Oa, the focus turns to reactions. The art displays the various talks before shocking everyone of who’s new.

A full page splash throws everything in flux. The art team locks in the uncertainty of this character. Readers can’t help but watch as this character impacts stopping a monster. Pasarin’s art is very detailed how each character reacts to the new dynamic. The result is one fans will enjoy. Each panel brings out the best of the conflicting personalities. The art also grants a very strong final image. The full page image brings back another familiar face. There is much to enjoy with the art flooding the pages here.


The next phase in DC’s space task force pulls off a major addition into their ranks. Adams and Hampton weave multiple returns in with the writing. Pasarin and the art team delve into the action as the Corps searches for its’ new strength. Judging by who crashes the party, readers should brace for what’s on the horizon!

Hit me up on ODPhpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Green Lantern Corps #1. Thanks for reading!


The Book of Oa stolen. It is now in the possession of Sorrow. With its’ content in evil hands, danger grows. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps are back in action. Opposing them is a growing number of "fractal" lanterns. There’s no rest for the weary as duty calls the emerald heroes.

GREEN LANTERN #19 by Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert, Jason Paz, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Dave Sharpe launches the newly reformed Corps into “the Fractured Spectrum” saga!

Let’s take a closer look at where things stand now!


Adams dives into the new beginnings for Hal Jordan and company. The opening of this issue delves into Carol Ferris’ life as a JLU member. Seeing Ferris hold her own amongst the DCU’s heavies provides a fun set-up before Jordan crashes the party. With the two getting some quiet time, The writing blends their hero worlds with their relationship. It’s a solid break before events shift towards another familiar face.

Kyle Rayner’s mission with Odyssey leads to another addition to the cast. Readers will be amped up to see who’s added into the book rescue mission. Pacing devotes a lengthy period to get this all established. Once settled, the story briefly spotlights Sorrow’s alliance. There is a larger picture painted in the closing act. The case lead provides more surprises. None might be larger than the final page. It leaves many questions as the latest saga finally starts taking shape.

This issue has three artists on taking the image reigns. The Justice League conflict opens with a full page action splash. It shows the readers how the team is working. As the threat starts growing stronger, Hal Jordan crashes the conflict. The full page intro changes the mood. Ferris’ reaction beams with excitement. This is a stark difference than Batman’s brooding. Jordan and Ferris never let the audience escape their bond as events are playing out.

Rayner experiences more of the same with Odyssey. The full page shot grants the time traveler access to the issue. Odyssey isn’t the only one with a full page welcome. A recruited heavy hitter is gifted the same favor. Readers watch as the contrasting personalities light up the panels. As events steer back toward the mission, the art team changes the look for the closing act. The pages carry a dark tone until the final reveal. A closing full page splash is at the end of a haunting lead-in. It will have readers guessing what’s next as the story takes shape.


The “Fractured Spectrum” starts its’ saga with a great jumping point. Adams’ writing sets the stage as the Lanterns brace for the chase. The art team construct the ever-evolving tale with a mix of heroics and personal reactions. There’s much room to grow from what is sure to be a classic Lantern tale in the making.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Green Lantern #19. Thanks for reading!


A new era in the Green Lantern mythos begins now. After the Thaaros saga concluded, Oa has risen once more. The home of the Green Lantern Corps signifies a fresh start for the galaxy’s lawful heroes. It also brings new dangers front and center.

A mysterious figure is looking for the Book of Oa. Can Hal Jordan and company stop the Sorrow before it’s too late?

GREEN LANTERN: FRACTURED SPECTRUM #1 by Jeremy Adams, V. Ken Marion, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Dave Sharpe kicks off a brand new story arc in style.

Let’s take a deeper dive into the latest space odyssey.

GREEN LANTERN: FRACTURED SPECTRUM #1 by Jeremy Adams, V. Ken Marion, Romulo Fajardo Jr., and Dave Sharpe (DC Comics) Cover: Fernando Blanco


Adams gives readers a straight forward build coming out of a huge event. Considering all the Corps have been through with Thaaros, the mood is promising. Sorrow’s opening segment contrasts that completely. It heightens what’s forthcoming. Seeing Hal Jordan smiling and enjoying his time sets a fun pace heading into the chapter.

Seeing the corps working together is another solid moment. Kilowog’s return is already a fan-favorite event. The foreshadowing of more gives a quick diversion before the celebrations begin. Adams really gives the Lanterns a sense of repurpose. This ultimately gets disrupted by a certain party crasher. At the stage, pacing picks. up. The conflict is short lived but leaves its’ mark. Its’ fallout unveils a new thread into the Lantern mythos. This becomes a rallying point setting the course for the next big event. All in all, the writing is very solid for this lead in.

Marion and Fajardo Jr. give The Sorrow a full page splash to kick this book off. The interactions with the librarian waste no time setting an uneasy mood. It is a big contrast to Jordan in space. Each panel shows how he “found his smile again”. This leads into a great page of the Lanterns reuniting for Oa’s battery. Jessica Cruz holding court shows promise of what’s to come until Sorrow hits the scene.

Opening with a full page brawl with Guy Gardner, the latest threat makes a big impact with readers. The only downside is the conflict is brief. This leads into a striking page featuring Gardner confessing to a secret. It catapults events into the closing image. Readers will be excited to see the last panel. The image sets the tone for what lies ahead for the reunited squad.


The next phase of the Green Lantern legacy starts on a strong note. Adams’ writing delivers on constructing the drama with memorable moments. Marion, Fajardo Jr. and Sharpe present a united front bracing for a dark challenge ahead. Readers should expect big things from this latest arc.

hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on GREEN LANTERN: FRACTURED SPECTRUM #1. Thanks for reading!


Oa stands in its’ darkest moment. Lord Premier Thaaros has evolved into something even more sinister. The only thing standing in his way is Hal Jordan. It’s the showdown everyone has been waiting for! Jordan and his allies versus Thaaros and his United Planets Lanterns. WINNER. TAKES. ALL!

GREEN LANTERN #18 by Jeremy Adams, Xermánico, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS) concludes the Civil Corps storyline!

Let’s take a deeper dive at how events play out.

GREEN LANTERN #18 by Jeremy Adams, Xermánico, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS)


Adams brings a thunderous conclusion to this epic saga. Right from the start, stakes feel monumental. Launching Jordan and company right into combat throws everything into chaos. It is a brief moment as Adams’ pacing casts the spotlight on a few notable Lanterns. Seeing Kyle Rayner and Kilowog back in the fray is a huge win. Star Sapphire’s role is brief but effective. This ultimately leads back into the main event of the chapter.

Pacing picks up as Jordan’s fearless instincts kick in. Readers watch as big action starts to unfold. It drives home the significance of the Lanterns. Being guardians of the cosmos, Jordan understands this more than anyone. It’s fitting he leads the last charge.

Adams writes in a moment that pops off the page. Jordan’s one-liner indicates the true power of the lanterns: Will. Readers watch as the Lantern Corps takes the conflict to a whole new stage. It delivers on a satisfying resolution. Before departing, Adams leaves the audience with a parting surprise. If there was ever a time to jump into Green Lantern, it is during this run.

Xermánico and Fajardo Jr. go BIG for the visuals for this conclusion. Thaaros starts events with a full page image. This is upstaged by a show-stopping two page spread. Seeing the Lanterns in action ushers in the final stand. Varron’s entry gets the full page treatment. Kilowog gets a very unique flashback page as well. This might be enough for some books, but not this one.

The art team puts together a series of two page splashes. Thaaros and Jordan’s brawl keeps gaining moment during these impressive images. Without question, these will be a crowd pleaser. The energy and feel of these pages will lock readers in to the stunning close. One light burns out but the final panel indicates Jordan and company are not done in fighting the injustices of space.


In the last stand of OA, the Green Lanterns are not going down quietly. Adams pens a phenomenal close with the writing. Xermánico, Fajardo Jr. and Shapre present the stunning images fitting for such a devastating finale. This is one you won’t want to miss!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Green Lantern #18. Thanks for reading!


In space, someone can hear you scream. Lord Premier Thaaros has evolved into something more dangerous. Hal Jordan and John Stewart escaped danger in a race to OA. With the United Planets in pursuit, the fight for freedom isn’t coming without a cost.

GREEN LANTERN #17 by Jeremy Adams, Xermánico, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS) blazes a trail of excitement in space!

Let’s take a closer look at what is unfolding now!

GREEN LANTERN #17 by Jeremy Adams, Xermánico, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS)


Adams juggles many characters without skipping a beat. Coming off the heels of the Civil Corps special, Jordan and Stewart are sinking fast. The writing reflects the immediate danger they are in and trying to prevent. Making a beloved Lantern into the main antagonist proves to amp up the stakes as things progress. Their story emulates the “never surrender” themes both bring to the table.

Meanwhile, a few side plots get much needed time to grow. Thaaros and Guy Garnder’s moments come across magnified to the overall tale. This is especially true with Thaaros’ new upgrade. Longtime readers of GL will appreciate the callback.

Speaking of familiar faces, one stands out as the surprise star of the issue. Knowing the stakes, the writing allows a reluctant hero to jump into the spotlight. It causes an uneasy alliance that will only grow more combustible as time goes on. This leads into a shocking close. With more surprises in tow, Adams wraps events off on quite the cliffhanger. There’s no way fans can’t be counting down the days till next time after this chapter.

Xermánico and Fajardo Jr. grants Thaaros a huge entrance into this chapter. The full page image leaves no question on his upgrade. It’s quickly upset by the breaking action involving Guy Gardner and company. The panels move brisky to indicate the quick action. This leads into a Lantern pair’s escape from doom.

A series of two page splashes shows Mogo in hot pursuit of Jordan and Stewart. It is an easy hit with readers. The art also invites the surprise hero into the fold. This elevated the conflicts end as each image created the true notion of a major event taking place. Readers are left with another full page image moving events onto the next chapter with ease. Things are only skyrocketing form here.


The fight against the United Planets steps it up for a strong chapter. Adams crafts the big implications around the growing action. Xermánico and Fajardo Jr. construct a series of two page splashes that drop quite the exclamation point on a fast rising event! There’s much to enjoy with this one!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Green Lantern #17. Thanks for reading!


DC is seeing GREEN! With the new “All In” movement taking hold, each book starts a bold new path. Hal Jordan and company are no exception. With the apparent demise of Thaaros, it seems as luck was going to be emerald. That quickly changed when Red Lantern MOGO came to Thanagar with a vengeance.

GREEN LANTERN #16 by Jeremy Adams, Xermánico, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS) deals with the fallout from the Durlans’ deadly attack!

Let’s take a deeper dive into the Civil Corps action!

GREEN LANTERN #16 by Jeremy Adams, Xermánico, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS)


Adams wastes no time in revving up the action in space! Mogo’s destruction of Thanagar sends early shockwaves throughout the cosmos. Jordan and Stewart take up the mantle of protectors and immediately jump into the melee. The writing is classic Lanterns at its’ best. Jordan is fearless as the odds are stacked against. John Stweart is all about handling the business at hand. Together, they take the story into higher ground.

The Guy Gardner and Durlans side-plots break up the straight forward pacing. Each add another layer of a fastly rising tale. The Durlans surprise helps to keep readers guessing. Knowing the stakes at hand, the writing teases a few possibilities. Ultimately, events swing back towards the heroics of the Lanterns. It builds up towards a solid closing act. Star Sapphire takes center stage before the chapter bows out with more drama on the horizon.

Xermánico and Fajardo Jr. display the full extent of Mogo’s actions with nothing held back. The loud two-page spread leaves a trail of destruction behind as the story flies into gear. Once the Lanterns head into action, the art reflects an energetic feel. It is filled with fast moving and direct panels.

Events build towards a strong two page image breaking down the moving parts. The conflict is capped off with great full page shot of Jordan and Stewart taking care of some business before the closing act. Once here, the art swings into a suspenseful image to bring down the house on a strong follow-up chapter to the event.


The Civil Corps Conflict rages on with a solid continuing chapter. Adams turns up the excitement with the writing. Xermánico and Fajardo Jr. deliver on intense battles paired with mounting tension. The saga is only just beginning as readers will be “all in” on this action-packed issue.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Green Lantern #16. Thanks for reading!


Hal Jordan. John Stewart. Guy Gardner. Jessica Cruz. Legendary Green Lanterns. Since the United Planets and Lord Duras Thaaros did a hostile takeover of the Corps., the fight for freedom has been challenging. In the wake of “Absolute Power”, Hal Jordan is back in a superhero groove. Can he rally the remaining troops and take down Thaaros once and for all?

GREEN LANTERN CIVIL CORPS SPECIAL #1 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Jeremy Adams, Salvador Larroca, Luis Guerrero, and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS) sets forth an ultimate showdown in the making.

Let’s not delay any longer and jump into the action!

GREEN LANTERN CIVIL CORPS SPECIAL #1 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Jeremy Adams, Salvador Larroca, Luis Guerrero, and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS)


The writing doesn’t wait to start dropping big moments with the story. Seeing John Stewart have his hands full with a familiar face creates a high pace that rarely slows down. Considering the events of the United Planets and “Absolute Power”, the Lanterns have been tested greatly. Their latest challenge brings them to their breaking point!

The showdown with Thaaros conveys the drama that’s been building for months. Once the Dark Star ring comes into play, stakes are raised. The fallout shakes events up quite a bit. Nothing makes a Hal Jordan story better than when things go off the rails. It’s packed with big action and high drama. However, the final act is what catches the most attention. As a last play is made, the closing page delivers on one (last) return capping this off and leading to the next chapter.

Guy Gardner’s side mission delivers on another big return. It is complimented by Alan Scott crashing the party. Seeing all the Lanterns in the mix is a huge win for fans. The writing is focused on delivering an epic event. There is no mis-step taken here.

Larroca and Guerrero keep readers guessing with the returning characters. Stewart’s initial conflict carries a tremendous feel to the panels. This is largely in part to his returning co-star. Long time GL readers will appreciated who’s back. The art gives the character a near full page entrance. In its’ aftermath, the pages reflect on the desperate time at hand. Before going into action, there is a fantastic full splash showing the Lanterns in a new light: hopeful.

Two page splits construct the Thanagar face-off. Readers watch as the art team set the stage for a last hurrah. With a huge full page attack, Thaaros throws down the gauntlet. The following pages flood with drama and well timed breaks.

The art also brings another familiar face for the mid act. Seeing the Emerald Crusader make the showdown via full page panel is perfect. The art complements his conflict incredibly. Same can be said for Guy Gardner’s mission as well. Once the pages start winding down, One more full page introduction appears to close out an already impressive start for the GL corps event.


The final attempt to handle the United Planets starts the GL Corps off in the “All In” movement. Kennedy-Johnson and Adams balance out the bright spots and desperate hope for a thrilling start. Larroca and Guerrero take readers on a wild ride as the repowered army marches forward with their universes in the crossfire. This chapter sets the stage for a huge conflict brewing behind the emerald light.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Green Lantern: Civil corps special. Thanks for reading!