Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!
For this entry, the supernatural protector of the Massive-verse returned in a big way. Caleb Hawthorne is in the rear view mirror (for now). Dylan Siegal is back in his body. Marcus Bell has resumed trying to guide his estranged son. There’s a new understanding between Dylan and Marcus. How long will it last is anyone’s guess.
ROGUE SUN #20 by RYAN PARROTT, NICK COTTON, ABEL, NATALIA MARQUES and BECCA CAREY blazes a new path in the current stat quo.
Let’s take a closer look at how things play out now.
Parrott and Cotton take Dylan into new territory with this chapter. Reforming the “partnership” with Marcus seems to be driving Dylan to be more forceful. This is showcased in the encounter with Mad Melody. The new edge to Dylan carries into a conversation with Dottie. Fortune may favor the brave but the mood reflects worry and pause. With Dottie narrating, it is very evident Dylan is nowhere to being ready for the gauntlet he’s thrown.
Divinity and Vein are two new wild-cards thrown into the mix. The former makes an immediate impact with her drive and demeanor. The writing sets up a reflection of the proactive nature Dylan is portraying with Divinity’s actions. This all heads into the final act where Vein emerges. With a subtle act, the mood shifts. It sets the stage for another thrilling adventure this series has become well-known for.
Abel, Marques and Carey display great action panels while setting up the drama unfolding. The opening sequence with Mad Melony immediately sets the pace for Dylan’s tougher actions. The conversation with Dottie comes to life with her reactions to Dylan’s ill-fated plan.
There is a fantastic two page splash showing the true evil of Mourningstar. Paired with Dottie’s dialogue and the image is guaranteed to strike a chord with the readers. Bolstering on the scene, the art gives Divinity a dramatic debut into the story. Her mannerisms are paired well with Dylan’s current stat-quo. This all builds towards a final full-page splash that is sure to have fans talking until the next issue drops.
One of the most creative books at the shops builds towards more mystery with new friends and foes debuting. Parrott and Cotton balance Dylan’s high school and heroic life exceptionally well with the writing. Abel, Marques and Carey mix in great action with the drama that can only belong to Dylan Siegal.
Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Rogue Sun #20. Thanks for reading!