Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.
For this entry, we are heading back to the Energon Universe! Since its’ arrival in the summer of 2023, Void Rivals has been carving its own path in-between Transformers and the G.I. Joe titles. Now into its’ second arc, the space odyssey looks to continue the momentum into dangerous territory.
VOID RIVALS #7 BY Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Patricio Delpeche and Rus Wooton looks to take readers further into mystery.
Let’s take a deeper dive into the second arc.
VOID RIVALS #7 BY Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Patricio Delpeche and Rus Wooton (Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics)
Darak and Solila are an unlikely pair. Representing different colonies, their paths have crossed. Since that point, things have been “complicated to say the least. Their escape from Zertonia has now led them into the Wastelands.
Premier Zalilak is none too happy with the pair. He knows what will happen if they succeed in uniting the colonies. He’s willing to unleash a great threat onto them. Zalilak has made the choice to revive Proximus.
The issue opens up with a flashback ten years prior. It reflects Darak’s first venture into the Wastelands. In the present, a plan is reached. Solila has reservations but desperate times call for equal measures. The pair heads into the unknown…
Meanwhile, the deal between Zalilak and Proximus is being struck. Readers quickly find out there is more to this deal than anyone realizes. Once it is struck, the course of action switches gears.
How will Darak and Solila be able to handle the oncoming threat? Their journey leads to many obstacles along the way. Judging by the final pages, there is more vested parties interested in what’s next. The second arc is wasting no time in turning up the drama.
VOID RIVALS #7 BY Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Patricio Delpeche and Rus Wooton (Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics COVER: Raul Allen)
VOID RIVALS #7 BY Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Patricio Delpeche and Rus Wooton (Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics COVER: André Lima Araújo)
Kirkman starts this new arc shrouding it in mystery. The landscape of the Wastelands turns into its’ own character. The mystique of the land has an impact on Darak that ill only be more telling. The writing of the pair’s conversation continues to be a strength of the series. It’s an extreme odd couple that provides many scenarios for this journey to head into.
The dynamic between Zalilak and Proximus is a show-stealer. Kirkman builds their tense partnership up until a shocking reveal. Readers will be locked into what Proximus does next. it can only lead to no good, which is always a win for the the audience.
De Felici and Delpeche give Proximus a grand entrance. The “agreement” portion of his time plays into his arrogance and self-belief. This is instantaneously switched when his true self is revealed. It’s a shocking moment that adds more once the full page panel shows his final image.
There are some great two-page spreads depicting the Wastelands. It establishes the rough terrain that the pair needs to venture through. The art team gives it a certain look which makes it seem like its’ own character. This ties into the final act. Once the chapter arrives at this point, the final image proves we’re only getting started on the journey for unity.
The second phase of The Energon Universe’s pace setter dives heavy into story in its latest chapter. Kirkman keeps readers on their toes with a pivotal character introduction. The art gives a bold welcome of the new player into the story with solid imagery. Where we go from here is anyone’s guess but you don’t want to miss out.
Hit me up on ODPH Social media and let me know your thoughts on Void Rivals #7. Thanks for reading.