Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!
For this entry, the world of two Avengers get caught up in danger at every turn. Knowing the past of these two, readers are far from shocked. What happens when an old friend is accused of murdering a Russian Foreign Minister? One of his closest friends (and their new symbiote) get involved to find the truth!
BLACK WIDOW AND HAWKEYE #2 by Stephanie Phillips, Paolo Villanelli, Mattia Iacono and Joe Sabino (Marvel Entertainment) dives right back into the heart of mystery.
Let’s see how this latest chapter holds up.
BLACK WIDOW AND HAWKEYE #2 by Stephanie Phillips, Paolo Villanelli, Mattia Iacono and Joe Sabino (Marvel Entertainment) Stephen Segovia & Jesus Aburtov (cover artists)
In two issues, Phillips has crafted an intense world of espionage. The pacing moves things right along while keeping readers locked in. The back and forth of Clint and Natasha breaks up the seriousness of actions nicely. The dynamic of Natasha's symbiote is a new factor that leads to some memorable sequences. It keeps building up suspense of what its' true motives are. Does it support the pair's friendship or does it want to eliminate Clint altogether?
The latter portion of the chapter dives very far back into their past. Seeing their bond form and still hold up to the present is a big win for fans. It also adds more danger to the actions and fallout that jeopardizes everything. Factor in some more surprises in the final moments and this series just keeps getting better and better.
The art reflects Clint and Natasha's solid foundation of their friendship. The slower moments in Madripoor give insight to their casual comfortability discussing events. This all changes with one quiet action. The near full page image speaks volumes. This leads to a wonderful full page full spread of Natasha in action. The fighting panels flow very smoothly until the resolution connects.
In these instances, the art locks in on Natasha's reactions and how she tries keeping things level until she gets a reaction. This leads into the final moments where a reveal is gifted with a full page foreshadowing. Once this portion revs up, it motors until the closing image. A full reveal of a character is constructed. This leaves readers much to ponder until the next chapter drops.
Within two issues, the latest chapter in the lives of Clint Barton and Natasha Rominov spiral out of control. Led by Phillips superb writing, the action moves without remorse as the drama unfolds. The art team deliver on creating a world of danger amongst an emotional bond. You absolutely want to have this series on your radar.
Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Black Widow and Hawkeye #2. Thanks for reading.