Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!
For this entry, the mystery of Emma aka “Masterpiece Lawford” continues to lead readers into dangerous territory with every page. The Dark Horse Comics drama has delivered on a complex story that has only begun to reveal itself. This is no surprise considering its’ creative team. After last issue, the tables might be turning in Emma’s favor. Can she sustain hope when the world is crashing down around her?
MASTERPIECE #3 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed looks to answer that question. Let’s tag along for the ride as the next chapter is about to unfold!
MASTERPIECE #3 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed (DARK HORSE COMICS)
The parents of Emma “Masterpiece Lawford” are legends. Legends in the criminal world. Zero Preston has an axe to grind against them for stealing a very large amount of money from his possession. His plan of revenge has put their young teenage daughter in the line of fire.
Emma has been asked to target Katie Goods, a billionaire with a questionable history. Emma’s parents ad a crew for their cases. Now, Emma has one with Gleason, Lawrence and The Paragon. Will the legacy live on through “Masterpiece” and her team?
This chapter begins with Emma visiting Skottie in Juvenile Jail. The recruitment process begins. The conversation comes off as awkward as one might think. How to sell a life-altering heist to teenagers. Surprisingly, Skottie accept. Ema has now added “The Brains” to her operation.
Meanwhile, the rest of the team is back at their location getting accustomed to each other. Emma brings Skottie into the fold but Skottie’s not the only new face to enter the room. Katie Roots arrives head on for a conversation.
Readers follow along with the narrative Roots paints for Emma and company. Is it a ruse or is it the Truth? The fallout leads Emma take a dangerous risk. Is she prepared for what “reward” she finds? If the last act is any indication, Emma’s journey into mystery looks to have found a new path.
MASTERPIECE #3 by Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev, Ian Herring and Josh Reed (DARK HORSE COMICS - COVER: Steve Skroce)
Bendis gives readers much to enjoy with this chapter. Emma’s recruiting process comes across relatable as the conversation with Skottie plays out. This is also matched by the Paragon and Lawrence. The age difference provides a touch of comic relief in the mix of the drama.
Root’s entry into the story throws a few wrinkles into Emma’s plans. The issue really finds its’ steam following that encounter. Seeing Emma process the elements involved gives readers an insight to why she commands the attention of the key players. The writing features her picking up on the clues. What she is going to do with this information is enough to have readers locked in for the ride.
Maleev, Herring and Reed focus on the reactions of characters more so in this chapter than previous ones. The range from uncertainty to anxiousness elevated the drama at hand.
The use of coloring during Emma’s deciphering steals this issue. It makes the panels pop while putting the information in motion. This is paired perfectly with Emma’s close-ups. Seeing the mind starting to put the puzzle pieces together leads to a solid ending to another outstanding chapter.
Bendis and Maleev take readers through twists and turns before putting Emma’s latest discoveries into focus with this chapter. Sharp writing and detailed imagery set the stage for a sudden change in direction that fans won’t want to miss.
Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Masterpiece #3. Thanks for reading!