Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!
For this entry, the war is almost over! New York City has been caught in the crossfire of a criminal war for months. The only thing standing in defense has been the Amazing Spider-Man and some of Marvel’s street-level heroes. With the war drawing to a head in Central Park, all Hell is about to break loose. Who will be left standing?
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #44 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna looks to give readers a ringside seat to the action.
Let’s see who’s left standing at the end of this round?
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #44 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (Credit: Marvel Entertainment)
Madame Masque has been the focal point for NYC’s gang war. After orchestrating the conflict, Masque is poised to take over the underworld. With Central Park being the location, Masque and her main rival, the Beetle, meet. Surrender is not an option. The battle ensue.
During the melee, Tombstone makes his true intentions known. After working as an uneasy ally to Spidey, he confronts his daughter and clips her wings (literally). Now with the Beetle off the board, can Spider-Man stop the fury of Madame Masque’s army?
This chapter begins with Spidey squaring off with Masque. The unified front of Beetle’s army and Spidey’s friends are holding their own. This is working until someone changes the call. Tombstone tells Beetle’s forces that the alliance is over.
With the shift in numbers, Spidey’ friends are overwhelmed. Count Nefaria blasts Spider-Man with enegry. Joining in the attack is Silvermane. The barrage is too much for Spider-Man. Luckily, some back-up arrives and not at a moment too soon.
Jackpot, Spider-Boy and Luke Cage enter the field! Will it be enough to win?
Readers see how the good guys make a stand to defeat Masque once and for all. Its’ outcome isn’t cut and dry. While the resolution solves a few lingering plots, there is now a bigger threat at hand. The smoke has cleared. One is left standing. The final image lets readers know that there’s still some unfinished business. It’s a chilling farewell to Gang War that still will send shockwaves through Spider-Man’s life for some time to come.
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #44 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (credit: marvel Entertainment - Cover: Marcos Martín)
Wells presents a steady pace into Central Park’s last stand. With Tombstone making the call to pull out early, the focus shifts into Spidey and company overcoming huge odds. It is a bit surprising who the back-up was that swung momentum in the good guys favor. Considering there are two relatively new heroes finding their path, it was a bit odd seeing them as the key factors. Granted, Luke Cage does make up a LOT to balance his trio out.
From here, the issue heads into much of what connects readers with Spider-Man. Spidey’s stand-off with Masque plays right into character. The ending is fitting, along with the final act. The parting pages set up a bigger stage later but concludes all on a solid landing.
Romita and company give the big battle a full send-off. There’s an excellent two page spread early featuring the shift of power with Tombstone leaving. This is matched with another great two-page spread when the cavalry arrives.
Even with their masks on, the final stand-off with Masque and Spider-Man still carries a great deal of emotion behind it. The visuals reflect Spidey’s frustrations and anger with his body language. The final act captures the resolutions of the invested parties. None stand out more than the winner of the war. The closing visual leaves a haunting reminder that the war is over…but not forever.
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #44 by Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr, Scott Hanna, Marcio Menyz and Joe Caramagna (credit: marvel Entertainment - Cover: Tadam Gyadu)
The battle of Central Park ends with a clear-cut winner in Spidey’s last chapter of the Gang War crossover. Wells puts the emotional weight on Spidey’s back with solid writing. Romita and the team give the issue that “big fight feel” with some memorable visuals. This will be one for all Spidey fans to check out on New Comic Book day.
Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts about Amazing Spider-Man #44. Thanks for reading.