Is there hope for young mutants? That is the question thrown at ROGUE. She has taken the reins of Xavier’s dream after the fall of Krakoa. The powerful mutant finds herself overseeing a group of wayward group known as The Outliers. Factor in a surrounding cast of lost X-Men and she has her hands full.
After dealing with the latest threat, it’s time to take the next step in the future of Mutantkind!
UNCANNY X-MEN #6 by Gail Simone, Javier Garrón, Matt Wilson, and Clayton Cowles follows the Outliers as they head into another dangerous place: SCHOOL!
Let’s take a closer look at what happens now!
UNCANNY X-MEN #6 by Gail Simone, Javier Garrón, Matt Wilson, and Clayton Cowles (MARVEL COMICS)
Simone takes the new Mutants to school for an enjoyable tale. Focusing on Calico and her acceptance of powers makes a strong impression. Knowing her tough family upbringing explains the reluctance to agree to the truth. Making Gambit the calming voice works to reflect Rogue’s influence on the team. Considering how this group was right after Krakoa, this indicates everyone is buying in to Rogue’s dream (no longer Xavier’s).
As for the rest of the book, it splits between the Outliers at school and the X-Men adjusting to their “new normal”. Simone juggles around the characters very well with giving each ample time for their stories. This leads into some unique directions. It also solidly lays the groundwork for the upcoming crossover. All the side plots wind up coming back together with the close. Knowing what lies ahead, there’s much to be excited about.
Garrón steps in for art duties (with Wilson on colors) and delivers on setting the dramatic stage. The opening pages dive into Calico’s backstory. It indicates her optimism dwindling with her mama manipulating events. This leads to her abrupt standoff with Wolverine. A full page image ushers in a shocking attack. This ultimately gets subdued by Gambit. His reactions set a tone for the hope this new group has.
Once the action starts rolling, the panels flow with a quick pace. There is a fair balance of teenage angst and guarded emotion in dealing with the Outliers. This takes readers into some very familiar scenarios. It also amplifies the Jubilee portion as the attack on mutants is wide-spread in this chapter. The closing panels cement what trouble is forthcoming and readers need to brace for impact.
The next phase of the Outlier saga lays a convincing starting point in this chapter. Simone balances the uneasy drama of humans and mutant life with string writing. Garrón, Wilson and Cowles generate memorable images as the X-Men find out life after Kraoka isn’t slowing down any time soon.
Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Uncanny X-Men #6. Thanks for reading.