With Dr. Zerc’s plans in full swing, time is running out on Paradise Gardens. Their only chance to stop him is struggling to move forward. Loo has been getting broken down. Breaking the rules isn’t sitting well with the staff. What happens next is something readers are not ready for.
PARANOID GARDENS #5 by Gerard Way, Shaun Simon, Chris Weston, Dave Stewart and Nate Piekos exposes Loo’s secret past!
Let’s take a deeper dive into the secrets of Loo!
PARANOID GARDENS #5 by Gerard Way, Shaun Simon, Chris Weston, Dave Stewart and Nate Piekos (Dark Horse Comics)
The writing holds nothing back as Loo’s secrets are exposed. It is a strong presentation and holds a tremendous emotional weight. Loo’s failure as a guidance councilor leads to a deadly act. The escalation of the reveal will floor readers. Way and Simon never rush the pace in this area. The reveals keep driving a deeper wound into an already shaken Loo. When it stops, its an intense moment that leads into darker territory.
Once things move back to present time, the state of the Gardens comes into focus. Zerc’s actions are cold and unforgiving as he nears the finish line. His breaking of Loo sends her into a shocking direction. This allows the writing to take the story to its’ ultimate ending. With events in motion, Zerc unveils his overall scheme. This leads to an uncertain sense as the final act ushers in the final challenge for the Garden and its inhabitants.
Weston and Stewart peel back the layers of Loo’s broken soul with this chapter. The flashback sequences carry the grey coloring reflecting her sorrow. Loo’s reactions range from shock to sadness. Readers watch as she tries to comprehend what her actions led to. Its’ the strongest portion of the story. The art handles the moment tastefully while conveying the ramifications in an extreme manner.
The rest of the sotry deals with Zerc’s manipulations. His dealing of “loose ends” is given a near full page. Nothing is held back on the levels in which Zerc has gone. His address to the residents is blunt and filled with his bravado. Zerc’s facial expressions vary, leading the readers into his closing play. Even with Loo’s new “home” panels, the parting image seals the deal as the end is quickly approaching for the gardens.
Loo’s tragic background comes to the forefront as the Gardens brace for impact. The writing delivers an emotional charged open that will hit the audience and not let go. Weston and Stewart orchestrate the strong visuals to support Loo’s troubled past. With one issue left, anything (and I mean ANYTHING) can happen at the Gardens now!
Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Paranoid Gardens #1. Thanks for reading