Welcome to a brand-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast.
For this entry, the brand new Power Rangers creative team helming the longstanding BOOM! Studios series has been on fire since their debut at issue #101. Melissa Flores and Simona Di Gianfelice (along with Raul Angulo and Ed Dukeshire) wasted no time sending shockwaves thru the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fandom with the re-introduction of Rita Repulsa now known as Mistress Vile. Vile’s attacks on the Power Rangers have only been a small part of her master plans. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107 picks up right in the heart of Vile’s moves as she advances forward, but not without some other big moments mixed in.
Let’s jump right into this issue, shall we?
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th
Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)
Credit: BOOM! Studios
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th
Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)
Credit: BOOM! Studios
As previously stated, the Power Rangers have their hands full with a more deadly version of their old nemesis Rita Repusla. With their first introduction, Vile left Lord Zedd (YES, THAT LORD ZEDD) lying near death at her feet. Vile also captured Matt, the Green Ranger and sent Alpha-1 out to cause some mayhem on the Omega Rangers. Suffice to say, that was only the start of the Rangers issues.
Lord Zedd was brought to Prometha Headquarters to heal but how safe is that place with Zedd residing in it? There’s little time to process as Vile and her mysterious enforcer crash the part in an attempt for find a morphin navigator which can lead access to the Morphin Grid. It is scary to think what an evil mind could do with that power. Readers see a small taste as Zedd himself has found a Morpher of his own! Now, the major players are primed for an epic throwdown!
This issue opens up Zedd revealing he’s had a morpher for quite some time, dating back to Power Rangers #16. With it primed and charged, Zedd reacts towards Grace Sterling and gives readers a small idea of what he can do. Meanwhile the Omega and Power Rangers are dealing with a broken Aplha-1, attempting to get more clues.
Back on Earth, Tommy catches up with an old friend (former Red Ranger Jason) but their talk is broken up by a now-possessed Matt leading Vile’s army into Angel Grove! There is no shortage of action here as the face-offs that have been building are now set to explode! Vile and her mysterious enforcer versus a Morphin-powered Lord Zedd! Tommy vs a possessed Matt! Things move fast to keep up with the action but is it too late? Readers get big payoffs for the building battles and even some extra reveals along the way. Even with all that, the final moments of the book introduce two more players into the game and longtime Power Ranger fans are not gonna be ready for what’s coming after this issue!
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th
Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)
Credit: BOOM! Studios
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th
Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona c, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)
Credit: BOOM! Studios
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th
Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)
Credit: BOOM! Studios
BREAKDOWN: This run continues to impress and set such a high bar! Flores has been setting up the face-offs unfolding here. Since Matt was captured, readers have been waiting to see what Vile’s work had done to him. Flores presents this version of Matt perfectly as his insecurities and fears with the team are fueling his drive here thanks to Vile. The one-liners he is saying are excellent verbal jabs to compliment the action. The same can be said for Zedd looking for revenge against Vile. Zedd being embarrassed by how he lost the first time has driven him to the point of being blinded by rage during the fight with Vile’s enforcer (which was accurately predicted on the MMPR #101 review). Pacing gives every battle proper time and the drama in-between has enough time to connect with the audience. If this wasn’t enough, just wait till the last pages and who is now getting involved. The hype you hear about with this series is well deserved of all its’ praise.
Di Gianfelice and Angulo bring the action throughout this issue. From the moment Matt walks towards Tommy, readers can instantly feel the emotions behind what’s going to happen. The depiction of the possessed Matt was done well and instantly signaled this will not be a friendly experience. Seeing Zedd unleashed was a standout moment as well. Seeing him not handle the bruise to his ego from the initial defeat has been a different look. This is reflected in his fighting style, even to one instance of being distracted just enough to take a strike. With all the action going on, the art team does sneak in some noteworthy panels involving Kimberly and Yale along with Zach and Trini. The art is very leveled on giving ample time to each story taking place. Nothing feels rushed to try cramming too much into the story. With all that going on, the final pages of the issue will be a buzzworthy topic about who appears. There is much to enjoy from the events of this issue.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th
Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)
Credit: BOOM! Studios
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th
Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)
Credit: BOOM! Studios
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #106 - On sale April 19th
Creative: Melissa Flores, Simona Di Gianfelice, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Taurin Clarke)
Credit: BOOM! Studios
FINAL POINT: Flores, Di Gianfelice, Angulo and Dukeshire unleash Mistress Vile’s plans in full swing with an action-packed issue that fans can’t afford to miss! With every issue, the bar keeps getting raised on the meteoric rise to legendary status from this creative team. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107 delivers on a big pay-off to building plots while dropping a show-stealing ending that has to be in your collection on New Comic Book Day!'
Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #107. Thanks for reading.