Welcome to a special edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!
For this entry, we have a special interview with a creator whose latest project is currently in the midst of another monster campaign on Kickstarter! Based out of the Philippines, BRIAN BALONDO has been the visual architect to the Top Hat Studios team since its’ debut issue of Pocus Hocus in 2021. Since that point, Brian and the rest of the team has gained more fan buzz and followers thru their DIY approach to comics. With a huge hit on their hands with Pocus, Balondo teamed up again with Allen Dunford, Will Radford, Jasen Smith, & Dave Lentz for 2022’s GRANDMA CHAINSAW. With his busy schedule, Brian managed to sneak in some time with the ODPH to talk about his life in comics. Here we go!
ODPH Ken: Hey Brian, thanks for taking the time out to chat and congrats on the new campaign
BRIAN : Thank you and yeah, the team and I are very excited about the latest Pocus Hocus Chapter.
ODPH Ken: Definitely an exciting time, but let’s go back to the beginning and just how did you get started into comics
BRIAN : The very first comics project I did was from an independent group here in the Philippines. It was only released in a Comic Con here. After that, I get to do another independent book titled Starburn and it all started from there.
ODPH Ken: What artists would you say have influenced you the most and why?
BRIAN : Hmm… probably Olivier Coipel and Dike Ruan are my biggest influences in art style. They’re incredible. However, Junji Ito is my main influence when it comes to everything horror.
ODPH Ken: And after that start, how did you connect with the Top Hat Studios team?
BRIAN : Allen Dunford was the one who contacted me and asked if I was willing to work on Pocus. I wasn’t able to accept at first as I was currently working on a project but I was really glad that they have waited for me. It has been a blast since I've started working on every Top Hat project.
ODPH Ken: What are the biggest challenges of communication with the team since you live world's away?
BRIAN : Actually, there's no challenge at all. I can easily talk to them through messenger and email. Sending files is a no hassle either. You would think there would be some kind of issue, but we’ve made it work (looking for something to knock on).
ODPH Ken: Over the past few years, Kickstarter is become such a huge movement in the land of comics. What is your feelings towards the entire process and now with another book heading that way?
BRIAN : I’m always excited and scared on every Kickstarter project we have. That feeling of being not knowing on the outcome of every project, but it’s good motivation to make the best book possible.
ODPH Ken: Pocus Hocus is such a unique book. What was your first reaction to reading its’ pitch to join?
BRIAN : Actually, I was amazed and curious at the same time. I was excited to know what could happen next as the scenes plays in my mind.
ODPH Ken: Pocus Hocus was a huge success, what was the feeling of going into Grandma Chainsaw?
BRIAN : I think excitement first comes to mind. I've always wanted to do a project like Grandma Chainsaw. Just everything horror with mystery always keeps me intrigued.
ODPH Ken: Now doing two back-to-back horror books, what do you think the biggest difference between the books?
BRIAN : Hmmm… the biggest difference maybe is the theme. In Grandma Chainsaw, we see a lot of horror and gore while in Pocus Hocus we have a really fun adventure with a touch of horror. So, yeah… I’d say the themes really separate the two, but I enjoy doing both of them.
ODPH Ken: With all the buzz around these characters, is there any other characters you’d really want to work on if given the opportunity?
BRIAN : This is a no-brainer for me. My dream projects are Batman and Hellboy.
ODPH Ken: Before we let you go, can you say any future plans for you and the team?
BRIAN : Well, we are currently working on new issues of Pocus Hocus and Grandma Chainsaw. After that, We also have some plans for future projects but I really can’t speak about those today. All in good time though.
ODPH Ken: Brian, thanks for chatting with us and all the best with the future projects.
Brian : Thanks Ken! This has been a blast!
Pocus Hocus Kickstarter is now live until February 16th, 2023. Thanks for reading!