Welcome to a brand new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH podcast!
For this entry, 2022 ushered in the next wave of books written by the man who brought you such hits as We Have Demons (w/art from Greg Capullo). Clear (w/ Francis Manupal), Night Of The Ghoul (w/ Francesco Francavilla), Barnstormers (w/ Tula Lotay), Canary (w/ Dan Panosian) and Dudley Datson & the Forever Machine (w/ Jamal Igle). We’ve waited since last October for the follow-up issue of this intense read coming out on the Comixology Originals line via Best Jackett Press (Printed copies TBA by Dark Horse Comics) and I can’t think of a better issue to kick off the 2023 BJP year off with.
BOOK OF EVIL #2 by Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price picks up where we last saw Homer and his friends dealing with the “new world” as they know it. The first issue was exceptional. Let’s not waste another second and dive into this latest chapter, but remember stay between the “yolk lines"! LET’S GO!
Book Of Evil #2 - on sale January 10th
Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price
Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)
In case you’re jumping in now or need a refresher: The majority of children in the 1960’s started to experience a radical change when they hit adolescence age (14-15 yrs old). They started demonstrating psychopathic behavior with no apparent origin for the swing. As this issue spread across the entire population, some didn’t get affected. For said group that didn’t (only 8%), they are classified as “animals” or less than Human. Their daily lives in present time are a struggle and one in particular has been an absolute nightmare. His name is Homer, a 12yr old whole lives with his friends Blake, Elliot and Milton. No parents and no hope. The closest person he has to family is his brother Poe, who has gone missing. There’s a rumor saying he’s changed like other humans. Homer isn’t willing to believe that. After coming across a possible clue to end this madness, Homer prepares for his next move.
This issue opens up with a flashback to a memory of Homer and Poe. After witnessing a beating, Poe tries getting Homer’s mind onto something else. the brothers have a game they play and Poe keeps pushing Homer to think where they were going next. Homer is thinking about solving the book of evil and ending all of this. The memory shifts to a thought of going to Coney Island and having a “good day”. The memory is ended with a parting statement by Poe pronouncing he will never leave his brother’s side.
The friends are now looking at the box left in Poe’s room and come across what they feel might be clues to solving this mess. Looking at the letters circled from the cartoon written by E. C. Happ (the author of the book), the kids determine that the location of Happ is actually nearby them. Getting to that location is way easier said than done. The group discusses a group known as “Shepards” led by a man named John Crook. Their reputation for “disliking” non-humans is well known. Crook and co. would be directly in the way of escaping for Happ’s location. With this knowledge, the young group makes plans to escape.
Can these kids pull off the impossible dream? Will they escape the nightmare they live in? Readers tag along for an adventure and test of will. Is it possible for the foursome to defy the odds or will luck run out? High risk, high reward is the motto here. Readers will be excited to tag along for their move but will NOT be ready for an emotion final moment that will leave all invested in the story shaken.
Book Of Evil #2 - on sale January 10th
Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price
Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)
Book Of Evil #2 - on sale January 10th
Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price
Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)
Snyder pushes the young group into uncharted water while delivering impactful emotional shots within these pages. Seeing Homer’s determination to find his brother, no matter what the cost, connects with readers so much you can’t help but think “can they really do this?” There’s a moment in the book where Homer is internalizing the choice to go escape and breaks down why he’s more afraid of life without his friends than one with him having an easier life changed. It’s a powerful statement and completely explains his drive to see their plan play out. With everything they have seen in this world at such a young age, their plan demonstrates how dire the times are and what they’re will to do to fix things, if they can.
The rest of this chapter carries more “action” per-say but never loses sight of hope in a hopeless place. Their odyssey has exciting and dire moments paced out well. Readers won’t be expecting some of the more shocking parts to happen but nothing will top the final pages of this chapter. Snyder ties everything back full circle and the parting words and image never let go of the tragedy playing out here.
As how this series is crafted, there are no traditional panels. it is all journal entries with images mixed in when needed. Jock and Price make the most of these moments. Seeing Homer’s vision of Poe and Coney Island in the beginning of the book shows how Homer is envisioning the better times with this story. Seeing Blake’s blank and cold stares connects with how dire and hopeless this plan actually is. The use of red (for discarded terms/feelings) was subtle but hit their marks when used.
It’s countered with the yellow imagery (used for “Animals”/Yolk references) of the “pre-planning” of the escape and how Homer is seemingly talking himself up to be brave enough to do this with just a simple picture of a pen just in case an “old friend” returns. However, nothing will hit harder than the final image of this book. No spoilers, but prepare for that. It’s a simple image but one that resonates volumes.
Book Of Evil #2 - on sale January 10th
Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price
Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)
Book Of Evil #2 - on sale January 10th
Creative: Scott Snyder, Jock and Emma Price
Credit: Comixology Originals/Best Jackett Press (Print: Dark Horse Comics)
FINAL POINT: Is there still hope when the world feels so hopeless? Homer and his friends’ Odyssey answers that question with a thrilling but tragic tale within the pages of Book Of Evil #2. Snyder, Jock and Price paint their disturbing “new normal” world with an Excellent story and art to compliment the vision. Don't miss out on this issue on ComiXology this week!
Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Book Of Evil #2. Thanks for reading!