Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH Podcast! For this entry, we’re continuing the adventure of Edwin Slaughter in the pages of the “Something Is Killing The Children” spin-off, House of Slaughter. House of Slaughter #9 by James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera for Boom Studios has been a fascinating thriller as a reluctant choice from the Order of St. George has been tasked to solve a mystery. Edwin’s story has taken some great twists and turns thus far with this issue set to offer some clarity on our lead character. Let’s check out this latest issue and see what’s going on, shall we?
House of Slaughter #9
Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera
Credit: Boom Studios
House of Slaughter #9
Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera
Credit: Boom Studios
Last issue, readers witnessed Edwin start unlocking something hidden in his memory. It has been the latest hurdle in his mission to unlock a series of bodies washing up on a campsite in Lake Michigan. Now stranded at sea with his brush, Hermes, a memory comes into play that will impact Edwin moving forward. This issue kicks off with Edwin talking to a revealed Hermes about what he’s seeing. The memory shifts into the first days where the Order caught wind of a boy who was discovered by his dead mother. The scenes are dark and saddening as Edwin’s life is discussed by the people who find the body.
From here, the memories go further as Edwin starts to recall the monster who killed his mother. How this all unfolds will hit readers very suddenly as many secrets are revealed. By the time this issue is completed, Edwin’s origin story has been unfolded. Will it be one Edwin can handle or one that breaks him completely? Will he have time to handle the reveals before the true threat makes its appearance? The status quo of this story changes forever with this issue.
House of Slaughter #9
Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera
Credit: Boom Studios
House of Slaughter #9
Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera
Credit: Boom Studios
House of Slaughter #9
Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera
Credit: Boom Studios
House of Slaughter #9
Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera
Credit: Boom Studios
Edwin’s story doesn’t fall short of impressing. The tragic tale connects readers to how Edwin sees the world while explaining why his memories were blocked out for so long. It’s a clever story that Tynion and Johns compose. The dynamic of Hermes and Edwin has been an odd one to say the least but with the reveals here, things come into focus. The pacing never faults as readers take the dive into Edwin’s past. The issue feels as readers are seeing the final goodbyes to its lead character as he prepares for the inevitable encounter with the cause of his mission. It’s excellent storytelling as the fans have come to expect from this book. Expect no let down here.
Cadonici presents Edwin’s story with some stunning visuals. Setting up the flashbacks, Cadonici sets up the flashbacks with great assistance from Segala on coloring, giving each section a different feel. This comes across noticeably well when Edwin is confronted by a monster. The usage of black and red escalate the danger at hand. Another compliment to the story was the 12-cube panels when Edwin processes what Hermes is telling him involving the story. It feels like a big moment and doesn’t let down. Edwin’s tale closes out with a final image that looks to close out this story on a very solid note.
House of Slaughter #9
Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera
Credit: Boom Studios
House of Slaughter #9
Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera
Credit: Boom Studios
House of Slaughter #9
Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera
Credit: Boom Studios
House of Slaughter #9
Creative: James Tynion, Sam Johns, Letizia Cadonici, Francesco Segala, Andworld Design and Werther Dell’edera
Credit: Boom Studios
Overall, The story of Edwin Slaughter continues to be a story you can’t put down. Tynion, Johns and the team deliver on a highly revealing issue that gives major insight to our lead character. It feels as one chapter closes before an even bigger event is about to begin. There’s no let down in the quality of content within these pages. Make sure to check this book out when it drops at the LCS this week.
Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of House of Slaughter #9. Thanks for reading.