Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the complementary comic book blog to the ODPH podcast! For this edition, we’re continuing to follow the fallout of the Eltarian War in the pages of Power Rangers by Boom Studios. Power Rangers #18 by Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire have established a new stat quo for the Omega Rangers but this issue takes them into some uncharted waters. Let’s deep dive into their latest adventures, shall we?
Power Rangers#18 - On Sale April 20th
Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Gerald Parel)
Credit: Boom Studios
Power Rangers#18 - On Sale April 20th
Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Gerald Parel)
Credit: Boom Studios
The Omega Rangers have now set up shop on Safehaven after addressing the universe with a warning for all evil-doers. When Xi picks up two distress signals, the team splits up to investigate. Jason And Yale take to the planet KO-35 while Zach & Trini head to the Mindrow System. However, when both teams arrive to their missions, they both find that things are definitely not as they seem.
Jason & Yale come across some hostiles known as the Xurix with a mysterious onlooker watching. Readers will be very intrigued when said person is revealed to them later in the issue. As for Zach & Trini, they discover the remains of a crashed ship. During their investigation, they find a LOT more than rubble and debris. Even after leaving that planet, What does their findings mean for their future moving forward? And what about Jason’s encounter with that onlooker? There’s a lot of questions that readers will have to decipher for themselves with this issue.
Power Rangers#18 - On Sale April 20th
Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Gerald Parel)
Credit: Boom Studios
Power Rangers#18 - On Sale April 20th
Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Gerald Parel)
Credit: Boom Studios
Parrott has led this team into a few interesting directions with this issue. Obviously, coming off the heels of last issue’s proclamation, there was going to questions about how the team would be handling their new paths. Both pairs of heroes had captivating stories, with Trini and Zach’s edging out Jason and Yale’s (but not by much). The question of how they will handle their new responsibilities after leaving the Mindrow System will be a fun story to see with Zach & Trini. Jason & Yale’s story raised a lot of questions which readers will be excited to follow along with. This issue laid some great groundwork for what’s coming next.
Renna crushes it on the art (as awalys). I was a big fan of how the Mindrow System was depicted & the “cause” of their conflict (Never thought I would be reporting on a battle with “Mrs. Westinghouse” but here we are!). There’s a lot of action between both stories and Renna gives them great energy behind them. The whole sequence with Jason/Yale and the Xurix played out very well. There is a lot to be excited about this new direction for Omega Ranger fans.
Power Rangers#18 - On Sale April 20th
Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Gerald Parel)
Credit: Boom Studios
Power Rangers#18 - On Sale April 20th
Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Gerald Parel)
Credit: Boom Studios
Power Rangers#18 - On Sale April 20th
Creative: Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Biamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini,& Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Gerald Parel)
Credit: Boom Studios
Overall, Power Rangers #18 is a great jump-on point for new readers while establishing the new threats for longtime readers. The book has fantastic storytelling & art. It’s become the norm for both Power Rangers books under Boom Studios. There is no good reason not to check this book out at your LCS. It’s an excellent read!
Hit me up on Twitter and let me know what you thought of Power Rangers #18. Thanks for reading!