Nathan Dayspring (Askani’son) Summers. One of the most fierce and dangerous mutants of all time. No matter where, CABLE is a force to be reckoned with. His personal battle with the Techno-Organic Virus has forged the time-travelling solider.
What happens now when he finds someone dealing with that same personal struggle?
CABLE: LOVE & CHROME #1 by David Pepose, Mike Henderson, Arif Prianto, and Joe Sabino (MARVEL COMICS) presents a future saga set for fans of any timeline!
Let’s take a closer look at the X-Man’s latest tale!
CABLE: LOVE & CHROME #1 by David Pepose, Mike Henderson, Arif Prianto, and Joe Sabino (MARVEL COMICS) Cover - Ian Churchill
Within mere moments, Pepose makes it seem that he’s written Cable for years. The writing displays Summers’ gritty drive to win at all costs. It never escapes readers that Summers is there for a mission. The encounter with Cicada keeps skyrocketing the danger to a solid finish. It’s a great segway to hitting the major plot to the futuristic tale.
Salvation Bay provides an edgy background as Cable finds a unique ally. Avery deals with the same deadly virus. The dialogue lowers Cable’s guard long enough to show a different side. Seeing someone else going through his trials provides an unlikely connection. The writing slowly peels back the tough exterior. What is left is a more “normal” reaction rarely shown. This evolves into Cable inheriting Avery’s fight. It doesn’t take long for the action to ramp back up.
Once the smoke clears, the closing moments hit. Pepose sets the stage for a future uncertain for all the right reasons.
Henderson and Prianto hit readers early with the post-apocalyptic energy. The vehicle which Cable is pinned to sets the tone for the issue. It’s a creative near full image that fires off the action in style. The scene is matched by another strong full page image of Cable taking control. This pace carries through the pages of the initial conflict.
Once Avery makes her debut, the one shifts down to a more grounded level. The art reflects two soldiers easing their guard over common ground. Readers watch as Cable leaves his gruff guard to become open to another virus victim. This becomes short lived due to an attack. The new pairing (literally) jump into action via a full page shot. Cable’s reactions during the battle show a rare sight: smiling. This energy leads into the finish. The final pages show the major players put into position for a devasting conflict in the making.
The X-Men’s time-travelling titan crashes into comic shops with a thrilling debut. Pepose balances the fast paced fighting with the building drama with a phenomenal set-up. Henderson, Prianto, and Sabino bring the pain with extreme action while teasing the danger yet to come. This is one you won’t want to timeslip and miss!
Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Cable: Love & Chrome #1. Thanks for reading!